For My Ladies, Self-love

A Self-Love Note to the Ladies

Welcome to PSL ladies! Being a woman has no concrete definition. Being a woman is a fascinating multiverse of endless possibilities. We need to work together rather than against each other so I had to write a self-love note going out to all you enchanting cosmic chicks. It’s my pleasure to present to you my self-love note to the ladies!

Dear cosmic chicks, 

You’re not selfish for practicing self-love!

You’re not selfish for needing time to be alone. 

You are worthy of love regardless of those who may have made you feel like you’re not. 

You’re gorgeous if you have a small butt. 

You’re gorgeous if you have junk in the trunk. 

You’re beautiful with big lips, helping you to sing your favorite songs. 

You’re beautiful with smaller lips, made for you to speak your mind. 

You’re still special despite your weight. 

You’re still sexy with stretch marks and cellulite! 

You’re magical at 5’ or 5’9. 

You look stunning with your natural hair texture and color. 

You look ravishingly fresh-faced without a touch of make-up. 

Men don’t feel pressure to wear make-up, why should we? That is unless you love make-up, girl. BEDAZZLE yourself with some fly-looking make-up! DO YOU!!!

You are worthy whether you’re putting your hands up to Single Ladies by Beyonce or awkwardly two-stepping to a boring slow song with your lucky man or lady. 

You’re hot if you have mosquito bites. 

You’re hot if you have epic gazungas.

 You’re looking fly with that hourglass figure. 

You’re killing it with that solid athletic frame! 

You’re the definition of swag in that baggy flannel. 

You’re bomb in that sundress. 

You’re rocking those sweats!

Your skin doesn’t need to be lighter or darker. There was a special shade added to the palette just for you. 

You’re not wrong for not wanting children or for giving birth to six, or twelve (wait, twelve… what is this? 1860? Not sure…)

You’re not tainted for ANY REASON whatsoever!!!

You’re not damaged goods. 

You’re the prize and then some. 

You’re not abnormal if you’re a virgin. That’s your choice! It’s your life!

You’re not a whore if you’ve been around the block. That’s your business!

Let’s stop being ashamed of our sexuality! It’s natural for fcks sake!


It’s okay if you don’t have a thigh gap. Your life and heart will go on. (Thanks Celine.)

You don’t need snap filters on every picture. (I really hope you don’t use the dog filter.) 

You’re capable of anything you set your mind to whether you want to be an artist, DJ, race car driver, or LITERALLY FKN ANYTHING!

What you do need is to LOVE & BE YOURSELF!!!

You’re so much more than what people see on the outside and you’re not here to live up to anyone’s standards but YOUR OWN. 

What feels good FOR YOU & YOU ALONE?

Once we learn to get better at not giving a flying f*ck what other people think of us is when we can LIVE


We come in all colors, sizes, and shapes. Our wonderful minds and hearts each bring different gifts to the glorious harvest of life. So all I’m asking is to GO BE YOU GIRL!!!

I genuinely hope that this little self-love note to the ladies dusted with luminescent stardust reminded you of your out of this world awesomeness! 

