
Galactic Gratitude IV

I wrote this entry almost a year ago to this very day. It’s going to be nice reflecting back on my entries. 

Without further adieu, I present to you Entry IV of my Galactic Gratitude series, 7/12/19:

I’m grateful for … 

1. Good and kind people (there needs to be more of these, please!)

2. My friends (with a little help from my friends) 

3. The memory of my Boodle Oodle (my German Shepherd, Scrappy, residing in Doggy Heaven and one of the best dogs ever! I miss you Buddy. I can’t wait to see you again one day. Well, I mean, I can wait, but hopefully, you get the sentiment.)

4. Rusty, Max, Yuky (pronounced you-key, short for Yukon), Cecelia (3 dogs, 1 turtle)

5. Safe travels 

6. Good food (I could go on forever about this topic)

