
Let Go of The Past

To move forward, you must make peace with your past. Whether you desire that your present was more like your past, or you keep thinking of the past, you must make peace with your past. It’s one thing to look back on memories with a smile or a tear. However, it’s different when you let these memories dictate too much of your present. Let go of the past so you can focus on the now.

Your present moment is too precious to be wasted, and wishing things were different.

It’s also pointless playing the world’s smallest violin and thinking to yourself that “the good ol’ days” are over. If you believe that your good days are behind you, then you will have a tough time creating epic new days. 

Symbolic ways to let go of the past…

You can create a ceremony to symbolize letting go of your past. Get some Chinese Lanterns and think about what memories or thoughts that are lingering past their welcome.

Light however many lanterns needed and one by one let them go into the night sky. Think of the thoughts and memories you are now consciously choosing to bid farewell.

It’s necessary to let go of the past. It doesn’t mean you have to forget. Instead, it’s a way to clear your mind so that you can focus on your present and positively move forward in your life.

Or, you could write down the memories and thoughts on individual pieces of paper or a post it. After writing them down, you can throw them into a bonfire or even a paper shredder. A standard lighter also works. (PLEASE go outside if you use the lighter method. I tried this inside like an a** hat and the smell of the burnt paper was AWFUL plus it’s dangerous!!!) BE SAFE!


As the papers turn to ash, release the hold that these memories and thoughts had over you.

Both of these ceremonies don’t have to be strictly glum. You might feel some type of way by letting go. That’s perfectly acceptable.

But it’s time for you to allow yourself to let go.

Things will get better, but you also have to allow them to. This process of letting go may be a long and drawn-out process. You might have to perform these ceremonies a few times before you truly feel you have let go. That’s perfectly fine too. It’s all about finding what works best for you. 

You may feel some raw and uncomfortable emotions in your process of letting go. Fully embrace these emotions and don’t deny them. These emotions are the fabric of your heart, and the heart is vulnerable. Accept this unnerving vulnerability. Be honest with yourself and your feelings, and let go.

You aren’t too sensitive; you’re a radiant human being with emotional intelligence. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you do and allow yourself to let go of holding on to memories and thoughts that are holding you back. 


The door to the now is inside of yourself.

You have everything you need to open this door, but you need to help yourself. Help yourself by accepting your feelings, analyzing how holding on to the past is hurting you, and finally releasing these memories and thoughts.

If the past is holding a negative grudge on you, you owe it to yourself to let go and move on!

You deserve a calmer mind and heart. You can do it. Put in the effort. The most delicious cookies ever baked took quite a bit of effort. The same principle applies to your mind, body, and soul. Aren’t you worth the effort? I think so!

