Self-love Is Being Accountable
A vital part of self-love is accountability. Being accountable for yourself is a gritty part of a self-love expedition that no one exactly likes to mention. This is the part of the self-love journey where the craft is experiencing so much turbulence that you wonder if you’ll even survive the trip to keep practicing self-love!
*picture a space shuttle ride with a series of wildly uncomfortable bumps, a $hitty movie selection, and you fell asleep, missing the complimentary meal*
You gaze out of the spaceship window, and all you see is clouds and think, “great, those might be the last clouds I ever see.” And that part of the self-love journey is accurate to me because there are most definitely days when I feel like my self-love is taking a nosedive.
Those are the days I wonder if I’ll eventually fail at self-love, crash my craft (captain going down with their ship, think Titanic but a space shuttle instead), become washed ashore, and morph into Tom Hanks in Castaway.
Some days, hell yeah, I feel like Tom in Castaway. My Wilson is all my sneaky little thoughts, poking, mocking, and laughing at me.
<Wut up Wilson>
OR perhaps you don’t feel any turbulence. Your spaceship is cruising. You’re flying high. Literally. You may think that you’re on top of your self-love game. That’s great and all as long as you hold yourself accountable for your faults.
Are you honest with yourself about your shortcomings, or do you bury them in a dark corner of your mind that you willingly chose to ignore?
Being honest will make things easier for you.
Self-love is being accountable!
If you don’t take responsibility for your mistakes, that isn’t self-love, but denial.
Self-love is staying true to yourself.
Part of being true to yourself is realizing where you’ve messed up, owning it, learning from it, forgiving yourself, and making corrections.
Come face to face with your weaknesses. None of us are perfect as much as some of us want to believe that we are. Trying to live up to an ideal image is exhausting.
Give yourself a break and realize that none of us are perfect!
Once you’re self-aware of whatever issues you need to work through, then you must actively choose to improve upon them.
It is out of love for your higher being when you are choosing to correct toxic traits or habits that need revamping.
You must choose to love yourself every day!
As starry-eyed and wondrous as love can be, it can also be the opposite. Maybe you have some inner truths that are relatively difficult to face.
There is a reason why there is a saying that “the truth hurts” and “love hurts.” However, once you find and recognize those truths, you are already on your way to improved self-love.
Practice self-love. Be Accountable!
Once you’ve truly realized where you fall short and need to perform a spring cleaning on your character, then you can start a refreshing mental cleanse.
Start with a small area, and then you can focus on others. There is always room for improvement! Hopefully, you will continuously itch to aim higher than you did previously.
Accountability is an essential part of self-love. It includes being responsible for your thoughts, your words, and your actions.
Your thoughts hold so much power over you, as do the words you speak to yourself and others, along with your actions in everyday life.
It also includes taking the blame when you’re at fault and attempting to understand your errors.
It’s okay that you’re not perfect, no one is.
It’s okay that you don’t know everything, nobody does.
And come on, learning is quite enjoyable. Who doesn’t love a discovery?
Love yourself enough to explore your mind and feelings so profoundly that you find your truths. Find all the good, bad, and ugly truths inside. Then find out a way to make them work in your favor.
Once you’ve recognized these truths that reveal failures scattered about on a blatantly imperfect road, you can work on improvement.
You can’t fix a problem that you refuse to see.
Self-accountability takes patience and effort, but we can do it!
We owe it to our mind, body, and souls to live as our best selves!
Wanna start a revolution?
Read my articles,
Self-love Is Getting to Know You,
Take The Journey to Planet Self Love,
for more cosmic self-love reads!