
Your Self-love Temple

Treat your self-love temple with the utmost, highest regard. This is your personal, sacred space to honor and cherish throughout your days. You always have access to this self-love temple, even when it may feel like you’ve lost your way. You may wander off occasionally and find yourself in sketchy areas that seem too far removed from this self-love. Yet those areas can sometimes be even closer to your self-love than you previously thought.

Picture a pathway in whatever landscape brings you the most tranquility.

Imagine yourself walking up to a marvelous ancient temple. It feels familiar to you.

You enter the temple.

You see a large, radiant rose quartz beaming with soft pink light and instantly feel a massive wave of relaxation blanket your being.

You look around the room and see other large crystals that you find stunning.

You sit in front of the radiant rose quartz in whichever way suits you best.

Take these moments to connect to yourself.

Perhaps do a gentle inquiry and ask yourself,
“what can I do today to honor my self-love?”

Your Self-Love Temple

This answer is different for us all and different depending on the day, but the beauty is that we can always return to this temple, our self-love temple.

We always have access. Silence outside noise and tune in, even if we can only break away and tune in for five minutes.

Tune in.

Tune in whenever you can, for however long you can.

Listen to yourself.
Listen to your heart.
Listen to yourself and the love it desires.

Recognize the sheer beauty of your self-love temple that lies deep within at all times, regardless of any outside chaos. This self-love is unbreakable.

Recognize this potent self-love energy that you have access to.
Honor this.
Get to know the temple better if you need to.
It’s okay to be unfamiliar with your self-love.

Love is patient, kind, and gentle.
Your self-love temple isn’t going anywhere, galactic moon child.
It can be under construction with an immaculate floor plan.

Continue to walk the path of endless self-love to build and honor your self-love temple for the rest of your days.