Pesky Thoughts

Don’t Think in Crop Circles

I want you to stop thinking in circles. Immediately. Whichever thoughts are consuming you to the point that all you’re doing is ruminating over them, please don’t. Please don’t think in crop circles! How is this thought pattern helping you? How has this masochistic behavior energized you or made you feel joy?

I’m going to take a wild guess and say it’s only kept you in a dark and confusing place.

If you’re a true masochist, perhaps you’re comfy torturing yourself over and over. Why didn’t I do this instead of that? What did they mean by that? The list goes on.

Get over it.


Acknowledge what you can learn from the situation and move forward. Let it go. The past is gone.

Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, and today is what we need to focus our energy on. 


Perhaps you can’t stop thinking about why a relationship fell apart the way it did or have feelings of rejection. You’re probably hurt. I understand that hurt very well. My first significant breakup was so hurtful at first that I felt numb.

I had a lot of pointless back and forth in my head about why certain things turned out the way that they did. But none of that thought process helped me.


What helped me was focusing on the things I enjoyed. I discovered my appreciation for a cup of green tea, writing poems to release my feelings, diving into fitness, and nurturing new friendships.

I’m aware that sounds very cliche, but I can’t help but fit securely into some at times. It’s all good. If being cliche brings me joy, sign me up!

What are some of the things in life or new hobbies that interest you?

Whatever those specific things are for you, water them so that a beautiful plant can grow from the seeds.

You have to distract yourself but try to do it in healthy ways. Food, alcohol, and drugs are tempting. But the high they bring is temporary.

Learning new things, seeking out new hobbies, meeting new people, and exploring your neighborhood and beyond is what will benefit you the most.

New stimuli or switching up your routine can break you out of the rut of chasing your crappy thoughts around in a circle.

Beating yourself up with these circling thoughts is nothing short of terrible. What kind of food is available at your pity party table of one food joint?

I imagine bland veggie patties with the texture of broccoli stems not cooked all the way, moldy cheesecake, and beets as the only side dish.

No offense if you enjoy beets. They’re not awful, but I never go out to eat and demand beets (just a personal preference). Call the beet police if I’ve pissed you off. If there are no more new posts, perhaps I’m doing some time. By the sounds of it, Gordan Ramsey will arrive at your establishment shortly.

Beets taste like dirt and look gross

What is there to gain from beating the hell out of yourself in your head?

How are you going to grow as a person when all you’re doing is focusing on where you believe you’ve gone wrong?

Newsflash, most people, even highly successful and intelligent folk make plenty of mistakes. But these stellar performers stay on top of their game because they keep going. They fall a bunch of times but always get back up. They gain new knowledge and try out different methods without spending too much time focusing on the ones that were dumpster worthy. 

I wrote this piece out of inspiration from a dear friend. He’s one of the most intelligent, witty, and positive people to cross my path. However, he suffers from this terrible disorder of thinking in crop circles. He’s a bit of a masochist, and he better have read this!

How many wooden planks will get wasted before you realize that this senseless harping isn’t doing anything but harming you? The aliens who create legitimate crop circles create some intricate art.

The wooden planks used to create fake ones are as basic as pumpkin spiced lattes. Dive deeper and create a mindset that will propel you forward rather than being a basic b chasing their tail.

XoXo, Mandy