
March into Self-Love

March into self-love like you’re ready for battle, a battle against one of the fiercest competitors you’ll most likely ever face, yourself. The battle is long and tiresome but it’s worth every attempt at victory. What you’ll gain is an uplifted version of yourself that’s irreplaceable and timeless. 

Lace up your favorite pair of combat boots, Nikes, Crocs for all I care, and prepare yourself for a day at battle. Have the courage to defeat your darkest demons!

Tie-dye Crocs are actually pretty cute. Interesting…anyway…

When you wake up in the morning and look at your reflection, the first battle is with your mirror.

As you stare at your reflection are you viewing yourself with gratitude and pride or are you burying yourself for all the things that you’ve done wrong? Or perhaps dissing the hell out of your appearance? 

Can you look at yourself straight? 

Can you look yourself in the eyes and feel okay? 

Being able to genuinely look at your reflection and be happy with what you see isn’t always as easy as it sounds. It doesn’t even necessarily have to do with your looks but with how you feel when you look at yourself and who you are, deep down inside, trials, tribulations and all.

If you can see your reflection and be truly okay with the person staring back at you, that’s an immense self-love victory and you should be PROUD!

If you’re not okay with the person staring back at you, be gentle to that person. Realize that you have the power to change anything you want to about yourself. The change will require a lot of your effort but IT’S POSSIBLE!

If you’re trudging in the quicksands of lowered feelings, trust me you can and will break free! I talk about this in 10 Tips to Escape the Swamps of Depression. You’re much stronger than you think!

As you take a step back from the mirror, you’ll encounter another immediate opposing force, your mind. Your mind loves to tell you a lot of bullsh*t lies. 

You can’t do that. (SUPER LAME)

You could’ve done better. (LAME)

Who do you think you are thinking you can actually do that? (HELL NO!!!)

That will never work. (NOT TRUE)

Why’d you do that? (NOT SURE)

Why’d you say that? (Ehhh, mouth farts happen, intentional and unintentional)

You don’t have the luck that others have had. (not everything is about “luck”)

You’ll never measure up… (BULLSH*T ALERT!)

etc., etc. … fill in your own blanks… I’m sure you have plenty of your own variations. 

If you don’t have that many, then HELL YES! The self-love gods REJOICE

When those lies pollute your psyche, say the opposite. 


I DID MY BEST. (That’s all I can do!)


I CAN DO BETTER NEXT TIME. (Tomorrow is another day!)

I SPOKE MY MIND. (not always easy to do this, go me!)

I HAVE LUCK AND GOOD WORK ETHIC. (I have faith and work hard.)

I CAN ABSOLUTELY IMPROVE AND BECOME BETTER AT XYZ… (Practice creates professionals!)

Practice saying the opposite of the lies that your mind tries to feed you. 

Vow to march into self-love like the powerful warrior that you are!

Fate whispers to the warrior, “you cannot withstand the storm.” The warrior whispers back, “I am the storm.”

Jake Remington


As you step out of your abode and come in contact with other people, you may meet naysayers and those who dwell in negativity. 

Be ready with your anti-negativity and naysayer laser to shield yourself from the low vibes that others may emit. 

You don’t need to be rude but you also don’t have to take any dreary sentiments to heart. 

And don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do something!

Don’t believe them if they say that you’ll never get a promotion at your job, you’re not smart enough, you’re too old, or you’re crazy for thinking you can be a successful entrepreneur, etc. The list goes on and on.


March into self-love like you mean it no matter where you are in life! It’s never too late to turn your mentality around for the better!