Planetary Affirmations

Valentine’s Day Self-love Affirmations

Happy Valentine’s Day all my wondrous Milky Way people! Here are some Valentine’s Day self-love affirmations to help you celebrate on the holiday of love!

1. I am attractive and deserving of love. 

2. I am worthy of love in all its forms. 

3. I am open to receive love in all its forms. 

4. I am ready for love and all its wonder. 

5. I am a beautiful being birthed from the Cosmos and destined to love. 

6. I feel love when I think about myself.

7. I feel love when I think about my life. 

Valentine’s Day Self-love Affirmations

8. I appreciate time with my loved ones. 

9. I show love to others in addition to myself. 

10. I show love to those who need it most. 

11. I give love to my family and friends. 

12. I share my love with the world. 

13. I open my heart up to love. 

14. I am love.