
Mindfulness Practices

🦢 These mindfulness practices, over time, have had quite a dazzling effect on citizens of the planet.

These practices can be simple and quick, all starting at five minutes! 👌🏽

Can you take at least five minutes and bump it up from there if you can?


Can you be flexible if your schedule gets a little fumbled and figure out how to get into practice still?

Earlier today, I heard a meditation technique that I liked. The guest stated that traditional sitting meditation wasn’t connecting with him, so he tried walking in the woods, listening to all the sounds, and being present. That type of meditation works for him. Maybe this is also a solution for other Milky Way folk who want to try something other than traditional meditation!

Go easy on yourself if you’re starting from scratch because there’s gonna be bumpy times with engraining any of these practices into your life.

Also, please go easy on yourself if you fall off at times!! It’s okay to fall off if you need a break or for whatever reason!

If you make CONSISTENT effort, even if it’s only 5 minutes twice a week, you can build so much from there!