
Steps to Fight Negativity

Negativity may be the fiercest opponent of them all. Negativity is relentless. At least my experience with it has been anything but smooth sailing. I’ve wiped out from more waves of negativity than I’d ever like to admit and there’s no way I’d even have an accurate number. It’s too many to count. Thanks to my wipe-outs, I came up with these 12 steps to fight negativity!

1) Smiling

Sometimes, hopefully, more often than not, a smile is genuine. Perhaps you heard an over the top dad joke or your crush was flirting with you. However, there are also times where you need to fake it till you make it. Either way, at least attempt. Frowning causes wrinkles and why would you want help when they’re inevitable as it is? 

 2)  Exercising

Ah, everyone’s favorite. Just kidding, I’m well aware it’s not. However, find a form of movement that you tolerate and maybe even enjoy. Exercise comes in many different styles from yoga, swimming, walking, hiking, Bocce Ball, you name it. If you’re like me, on more days than I’d like to admit, the hardest part will be getting started. I live by the motto, “you’ll never regret a workout.” You won’t regret it as long as you don’t get injured. But we are supposed to be thinking positively here folks, so no need to manifest a ghost injury coming to life. 

3) Being Grateful

When I started my journey down the yellow brick road, I chose to create a gratitude journal with at least a minimum of three things I’m grateful for on any given day. Try to think of three. I’m sure this is attainable. Did you eat today? Did you have enough fluids? Did you see or talk to a loved one? What caused a bona fide smile to form on your face today? Think about it and write it down. You don’t have to compose your first anthology unless you want to! 

4) Being Kind

This world needs more kindness spread around. I’m all for being the grump in the corner sometimes if necessary, but I always try to be kind. I know how it feels when people aren’t nice to you. It’s not the greatest feeling, especially if you’re a bit overly sensitive like myself. I’m a firm believer in do unto others what you would like done to you. Also, you never know how your kindness could cause a genuine smile for someone who’s having a crummy day. The world doesn’t need any new bad vibes. 

5) Journaling

Flushing out your feelings is therapeutic. One way to do this is through journaling. If you are paranoid about someone finding your secret diary, maybe you could burn the pages afterward in a nicely lit bonfire. Or, perhaps you could type them out on your phone. Maybe this isn’t a solution for you, but you never know until you try. 


6)  Working Toward a Goal 

Have you ever felt bad when putting in work toward a goal? If you have, it’s probably due to fear. However, if a goal is worth it to you, go for it. Don’t think about the what-ifs. You have to do like Nike exclaims and just do it. Working on something meaningful should feel pretty darn great. Bask in the positive feelings that come as a result of working hard toward a goal like a walrus catching some rays. 

7) Stop Comparing

Do whatever you can to stop comparing yourself to others. By comparing, you will never come out on the other side with anything positive to gain. Every individual is unique, as is their journey. It’s a disservice to your individuality to continually compare yourself to others. Don’t worry about how they got to where you want to be faster, how they got a better lease payment or why the cashier was kinder to them.

In the end, none of those things matter. What matters the most are the steps you actively take to get to the place you want to be. If you spend your days comparing yourself to people rather than taking steps to reach your goals, you most certainly will never have anything similar to them. You’ll remain in the same spot you were yesterday, comparing and whining. Do you have an issue with the way your life is going? No one is stopping you from fixing it but yourself. 

8) Spending Time With Loved Ones

The people in your life who you love and love you back, are golden. Pets count here too. Be grateful for all the beings that radiate love, laughter, support, and kindness into your life. Love comes in all different forms. If you happen to be single, do not discount the love from family, friends, pets, and even strangers. Not all strangers present danger. Some can bring unexpected acts of kindness and smiles. 

9) Self-Care

Have you ever heard of the saying, “Treat yo self?” If you’re a Parks and Recreation fan, I hope you have. If not, it comes down to precisely the way it sounds. Do you want to soak in a bubble bath with candles, and some guilty pleasure music? Go ahead! Do you feel like going to the mall and getting that one thing you’ve been putting off because you don’t want to spend the money? If buying that item won’t make or break you, go for it. What about a massage and then food from that fancy food spot? Now is as good of a time as any!

The goal of self-care is to make sure you are taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. Self-care doesn’t have to necessarily be automatically tied to materialistic items. Nurturing yourself can also include being more mindful of what you eat, making sure to get proper sleep, and working on positive thinking. Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself first. You matter. How are you going to be your best self for others if you place your needs in the back seat? 

10) Viewing the Glass as Half Full Rather Than Half Empty

It is much better to see the glass as being half full rather than half empty. It can be very tempting to consider it half empty and throw an ongoing pity party. However, the problem with the ongoing pity party is that it keeps you in the same place. Showing up to the pity party every day keeps you running in a circle. The circle is full of negative thoughts bound to keep you stagnant. If you turn your viewpoint around and look at the glass as being half full rather than half empty, you are allowing positivity into your life. Positive thinking will always serve you better than the latter.

Practicing this can be challenging, especially in a particularly dreadful event. However, even in hard times, there has got to be at least one thing that still makes you smile. Don’t ever forget that one thing that brings you joy. Hold on to the thought of it and never let go. You’re not bound to living in misery. Choosing to be positive takes effort. Put in that effort even when it seems impossible. Show up every day with the mindset that you’re here to shine no matter how much your light can flicker. You can get your light back no matter how long it takes. It’s always inside of you; sometimes it just needs extra coaxing to come out. 

11) Eating Mindfully 

When you consciously chose to eat food that you know is healthy, you feel good in doing so.  I’m not saying you should always avoid foods that aren’t the best for you. We all eat junk food. Unfortunately, food that is awful for us tends to taste delicious. But, perhaps you could think about the foods you are putting into your body. Does this have good nutritional value? Does this help to repair my muscles after a workout? Does this help me attain my diet goals? Those are just a few questions to keep in mind. After all, you are what you eat. 

12) Listening to Motivational Podcasts

Putting on a charged motivational podcast is the perfect way to boost your mindset. The people who speak on these podcasts are adamant about positive thinking, success, and personal growth. On those days when you’re feeling extra negative, don’t cut yourself off from hearing the positive talk. Even if you want no part of listening to the glass is half full jibber-jabber, still do it. Think of it as being positively brainwashed. You won’t always feel happy, I assure you. But you will adopt a positive mindset. A positive mindset isn’t about always feeling happy. Instead, it’s about remembering the positives in life amidst the negatives.

I sincerely hope that some of these steps to fight negativity work for you!