Rough Times

Days Stuck in Dark Matter

Some days are hard. These days can either hit you in a blind spot or be a cumulative result of garbage feelings. Maybe you’re thinking of everything in your life that you lack, but seem to come so easily to others.

You may be savagely knocking yourself down more than any of your former bullies ever have. Or, maybe equivalent to them since there can be some cruel words thrown at people.

Perhaps you feel that pit in your chest like you have to cry, but have grown tired of crying in your designated stall at your place of employment. You may want to wait until you can freely ball your eyes out on the commute home.

Or let loose once you reach the privacy of your room, so you can cry and scream into your pillow. Pillows of the world deserve some credit; they take a lot of abuse.  Balling your eyes out is also the perfect excuse to binge eat, drink, or do drugs. Why not try all three? Pick your poison. 

Perhaps you didn’t even make it as far enough as needed to show face at your job. Maybe you called in with some b.s. excuse when in reality, you feel like you’re emotionally breaking down like your favorite mug shattering on the kitchen floor. You may associate the word positivity with the plague.

Maybe you’ve mastered the talent of aimlessly staring at yourself in the mirror. Staring blankly and wondering what the purpose of all this is?  How am I contributing to this world?

How can I ever contribute in a way that is fulfilling?

Why does this void of emptiness come in and seep through the deepest crevices of my mind, body, and soul?

Or maybe you’ve stationed yourself in your bed, or another location. Your mind and body feel frozen, locked into place for hours, not exactly knowing which way to go. 

Which way do I go?

These are the days where your spirit goes through the wringer. On these days where your heart feels like a sagging dead weight, you must keep going, wake up tomorrow and go at it again. 

Do you want to be known as a quitter, or as a force to be reckoned with; someone with such vicious tenacity inside that no obstacle will stop you from getting past? 

Do what you can on these days. If all you can muster up is a genuine smile caused by anything, it’s a step in the right direction. Or, if all you could bring yourself to do was wash a couple of dishes or feed your pet fish, Larry, it’s something.

At least Larry won’t be swimming around all day on an empty stomach. Maybe you could barely move from your bed aside from using the little girls’ or boys’ room (I’m hoping you at least did that, but I’m not here to judge)!

Whatever tasks you mustered up the gusto to perform, give yourself credit!

DO NOT be ashamed of showing up the most you could for the day!

Tomorrow is your next chance. You have the opportunity to keep fighting and to take control. Many of us have lost the opportunity to change our tomorrows.

If you still have the chance to build your life, don’t keep waiting for tomorrow.

Don’t put your life on hold. Learn to cherish the idea of tomorrow. The present moment is the most precious gift we have.

Tomorrow is the hope that today you do something to make your tomorrow better.

I’m rooting for all of us!

Mental demons are no joke, but neither is the fight to show up daily and strive to live your best life.