

Keeping a gratitude journal is the perfect way to fill yourself with contentment and remind yourself of all the ways your life behaves in your favor. If you don’t have one yet, give it a shot. It takes minimal effort and resources. Don’t wait until you find the perfectly designed journal because that doesn’t matter at all. My gratitude journal is something that I’d never willingly pick out. My journal is old, cheap, and not even a nice color. I did, however, purchase a few more attractive looking journals that I’m looking forward to using. All you need is a notebook with some paper. You could even use your phone if you wanted. The medium doesn’t matter as much as the practice. 

I’d recommend aiming to write a daily minimum of three things for which you’re grateful. You don’t have to get too deep unless you want to. It could be something as simple as, I’m grateful for my cozy blanket, or I’m grateful for cookies. You don’t have to limit this to three things if you find yourself rattling out more. The more gratefulness you pour out, the better.

Your gratitude journal doesn’t have to be like writing an essay

I find myself mentioning my gratefulness toward food quite a bit, but that’s okay, food makes me happy. This practice doesn’t have to be time-consuming. It doesn’t take long to whip out your plain jane or sexy journal to write out three things for which you’re grateful. 

My gratitude journal has helped me on days where I’m not feeling my happiest. It’s an excellent way to remind yourself of all the ways your life is making you smile rather than cry. It’s also a reminder of all the things that you’re blessed to possess. It takes power away from negative emotions because it forces you to remember the good. Negativity doesn’t want to hear about things that make your heart happy. Negativity likes to focus on things that make your heart heavy and sad. 

Do what works best for you!

Perhaps this method won’t do anything for you, but I feel like the percentage for that is very small unless you never try and attempt to stick with it. It never hurts to give it a try. Maybe it will prove to be challenging at first, but don’t let that stop you. Something that forces you to think differently in a way meant to benefit you can hardly be unworthy. You could even speak aloud what you’re grateful for or maybe create a little daily gratitude jingle.

There are no restrictions on how you get the task at hand completed. Attempt to do it every day. Granted, I still miss days here and there, but I’m trying not to. Put in some effort, and you will feel the rewards from your consistency. Being grateful will build up your positive energy. Grab a journal or your phone and get ready to tell, chant, or sing to the universe about what makes you grateful!