Mindfulness, Self-love

Your Mental Health Matters

Your mental health matters, every single day, every hour. 

It matters all the days you’re running low on power. 

It matters when everything seems to be going right and life feels great.

It matters when no one else seems to validate that it does.

It matters simply, because!


Always have, always will.

It matters even if you may not know how to properly weed out the bad thoughts and water the good. 

You’ll figure it out and wake up one day to a garden with weeds that finally don’t overgrow.

You reap what you sow. 

So try your best to look for the good. 

Even if the quest for the good has you searching through darkness, if you don’t look for it, you can easily pass it by.

Your mental health matters this May and way beyond into the wildest far-reaching corners of space. 

You’re not “crazy.”

But maybe you are, the kind of crazy that feels too much and just needs a little help, some guidance, the right mentor, or the right person to talk to. 

Feeling too much can be a lot to handle but it can also be your greatest gift. 

Make that shift, from viewing your shadows as your downfall to seeing them as a path to rise up.

Transform the darkness into light. 

Fight the good fight, you know the one that never gives up on your mental health, no matter how “crazy” or “normal” others label you. 

F*ck those labels into the nearest black hole, and SAY IT WITH ME, 





Not a day that passes here on this planet is a day where you don’t matter, whether it’s in regards to your mental, physical, or spiritual. So, don’t you ever, ever forget that YOUR MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS!