
Love Your Body Now

Love your body now like it’s the best body you’ll ever have, because it is!

Your body allows you to take in vital air, essential for life,

to walk into a pizzeria or sit and catch an awe inspiring view.

Your body is a sacred vessel for everything you do. 

Appreciate your body for every task it enabled you to perform today,

from the seemingly mundane to a new goal.

Love your body now despite any ailments.

Because the idea is to be grateful for everything your body can give you in this very instant.

We don’t know when, if or how circumstances could change.

So love your body for all that it enables you to perform today.

Take in all the Cosmic wonder your eyes can see.

Rejoice in all of your favorite scents that teleport you to a different time and place, or simply bring you joy.

Celebrate the fantastic medley of flavors that your taste buds reveal through old favorites or a delightful new meal.

Be grateful for the ability to hear sounds of all types from the crashing of waves against the shore, your Grandma’s laughter, or songs that move your soul.

Love your body right now!

Put all the body shaming and bashing aside for a moment.

And reflect on everything your body gets right. 

You may feel unsatisfied with parts of your body for a vast array of reasons that we all have.

But, what does your body do well? 

Let’s shift the focus to all the ways that our bodies excel.

For instance, my wrists are killing me today. 

I started to experience issues with them since forever ago and today they hurt. 

My neck is also a bit of a problem and I’m not quite sure why. 

Physically, I’m pretty sore, feeling a bit run down.  

But I woke up to another day.  

I ate well. 

I can breathe. 

I can see.

I can hear. 

I can walk. 

I can practice gentle yoga to revitalize my body and to come back to the present and my breath.

I can type! 

My body has been through a lot, and yours probably has too. 

Yet, here we are. 

Alive and kickin’, and super lucky to be around for the here and now. 

Our bodies have carried us throughout our journeys up until this point and that’s pretty damn magical. Not everyone is that lucky. 

So regardless of any dissatisfaction, I encourage you to love your body now

Love it now, give it credit for all it’s carried you through in however many years of life you’ve lived. 

Look forward to the future of aging like nothing other than a bottle of the finest wine or whiskey to be found! 

Hopefully, we can start to love our bodies through this lens of appreciation and healthy, mindful living rather than disdain for solely focusing on everything we feel our bodies get wrong. 

So, my beautiful Celestial beings, let’s stop with the body hate and instead, LOVE OUR BODIES NOW! 

If you need some extra self-love encouragement, read Go Love Yourself.